Eight months have passed since humanity lost its hope...
After an ancient threat known as the Kegai robbed him of both
family and home,
a young man named Nini arrives at the peaceful rural town
of Ashihara Nakatsu.
There he's greeted by one of his relatives, a girl named Konoha.
Ashihara's residents claim that the town has nothing of note.
"That's not true!"
The mountains, the ocean, an old house, new friends, a female
roommate, gravity...
After spending his whole life on a space station,
everything seems out of this world to Nini.
"No matter where you run, the Kegai will follow. So just give up."
A fox-eared messenger of the gods.
A mysterious sphere floating in the sky.
Here in this town where the ordinary and the extraordinary exist
side by side,
Nini's dazzlingly dangerous summer vacation finally begins.